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Trade on Bitget.

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Registered Users


Elite Traders

Popular Coins

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) lead the cryptocurrency market, with Bitcoin known for its role as a store of value and Ethereum for enabling smart contracts and decentralized applications. Other prominent coins like XRP and Solana offer utility within their ecosystems, driving innovation and adoption in the crypto space.

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Meet Bitget

Founded in 2018, Bitget has become a prominent player in the crypto exchange and Web3 industry.
With a user base exceeding 25 million across more than 100 countries, Bitget is dedicated to empowering traders through its innovative copy trading feature and a variety of trading solutions.
Previously known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a top-tier multi-chain crypto wallet that provides a wide range of Web3 services, including wallet management, swapping, NFT marketplace, DApp browsing, and more.
Bitget encourages the adoption of cryptocurrency by partnering with reputable figures, such as renowned footballer Lionel Messi, and by supporting major eSports events organized by PGL.

We believe in a more equitable future world driven by crypto evolution

We empower the future of finance by ensuring secure and smart digital transactions.

Official Partner for Montenegro

We are thrilled to announce our official partnership with Bitget, a leading cryptocurrency exchange renowned for its innovative trading solutions and robust security measures. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for our organization, as it aligns with our commitment to providing our community with access to top-tier trading platforms and cutting-edge financial technology. By partnering with Bitget, we aim to enhance our users' trading experience, offering them unparalleled market access, advanced trading tools, and exceptional customer support. Together, we look forward to fostering a secure, efficient, and prosperous trading environment for all our valued clients. Please visit us at Ekosphere to learn more about us.

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bitget card
Bitget Card

The Bitget Card is a versatile crypto payment card that allows users to seamlessly convert their digital assets into traditional currency for everyday spending. It offers the convenience of instant transactions, enabling users to make purchases at millions of locations worldwide, both online and in-store. With the Bitget Card, managing and using cryptocurrency becomes as simple as using any regular payment card, bridging the gap between digital assets and everyday financial needs.

Support payments via Apple pay or Google pay
Withdrawals at Visa ATMs anywhere in the world
Virtual card will be issued after approval
Learn more about Bitget
Trade Smarter
Trade Smarter.

Trade Smarter on Bitget with its advanced tools and features designed to enhance your trading experience. The platform offers innovative solutions like copy trading, where you can automatically mirror the strategies of top traders, and a user-friendly interface that simplifies complex trading processes. Bitget’s robust security measures and real-time data ensure that you can trade with confidence, making informed decisions that align with your financial goals.


Elite Traders

$20,000,000 +

Total profit share


Followers' AUM

$438,000,000 +

Followers' PnL

Start your Crypto Journey

Over 140 fiat currencies supported


Futures, spot, margin, bot...


Boost your crypto profits safely and easily!

cex-en-black crypto description
Start Web3 journey
Bitget Wallet

Enjoy a safer decentralized experience with Web3 wallet

Bitget Swap

Cross-chain swaps with flexible limit orders

Bitget NFT

Batch place orders and buy NFTs with any coin


A massive collection of popular DApps

web3 image
Secure your funds with top-notch security

Proof of Reserves (PoR)

- We publish our Merkle proof, Proof of Reserves, and platform reserve ratio on a monthly basis to ensure maximum transparency.

- All users can verify their funds at any time.

- Bitget reserves currently exceed twice the total user assets.

Bitget Protection Fund

- The fund is currently valued at $350 million.

- Second largest in terms of security-related funds among centralized exchanges.

- Publicly available for users to track in real-time.

Industry-leading security

- Wallet security

- Network security

- Risk control

- Data security

Our new location - Ulcinj, Montenegro
Ekosphere bitget location in montenegro

We are pleased to announce the opening of our newest branch in Ulcinj, Montenegro. This strategic expansion allows us to provide the local community with our full range of financial services, including secure international money transfers and currency exchange. Located in this historic and picturesque coastal town, our Ulcinj branch offers excellent customer service and convenient access to all your financial needs. Visit us at our new location and experience our commitment to reliability and excellence. Please visit us at Ekosphere to learn more about us.

What is Bitget, and what services does it offer?

Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that provides a range of services including spot trading, futures trading, copy trading, and various financial products related to digital assets.

Why did Bitget choose to open operations in Montenegro?

Montenegro offers a favorable regulatory environment for cryptocurrency businesses, along with a strategic location in Europe that allows Bitget to serve both European and global markets efficiently.

Is Bitget regulated in Montenegro?

Yes, Bitget complies with local regulations in Montenegro and operates under the relevant legal frameworks to ensure a safe and secure trading environment for its users.

How can I open an account with Bitget in Montenegro?

You can open an account by visiting the Bitget website, providing necessary personal information, and completing the identity verification process. Once verified, you can start trading.

What cryptocurrencies can I trade on Bitget?

Bitget supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and many others. The platform continuously adds new assets based on market demand.

What are the trading fees on Bitget?

Bitget offers competitive trading fees which vary depending on the type of trading (spot or futures) and the user’s trading volume. Fee details can be found on the Bitget website or platform.

Does Bitget offer customer support in Montenegro?

Yes, Bitget provides customer support through various channels including live chat, email, and a comprehensive help center to assist users in Montenegro.

How does Bitget ensure the security of users' funds?

Bitget employs advanced security measures including multi-signature wallets, cold storage, two-factor authentication (2FA), and regular security audits to protect users’ assets.

What are the goals of the Bitget and Ekopshere partnership?

Bitget has partnered with Ekosphere to establish a strategic base in Montenegro. This collaboration focuses on enhancing Bitget’s regional operations and promoting growth within the European cryptocurrency market.

Why did Bitget choose Ekosphere as a partner in Montenegro?

Bitget chose Ekosphere due to its advanced facilities, strategic location, and supportive business environment, which align with Bitget’s goals of expanding its presence and operations in Europe.

How does the partnership benefit Bitget users?

The partnership enhances Bitget’s operational capabilities, potentially leading to improved services, faster support, and better engagement with the European market. It also reinforces Bitget’s commitment to expanding its global presence.

Is the Bitget office at Ekopshere open to the public?

Yes it is. However, Bitget will organize events, workshops, and meetups for the public at this location in the future. There will also be classes which will be held by Bitget instructors. Please visit Ekosphere to learn more about us.

What role will Ekosphere play in Bitget’s European strategy?

Ekosphere will serve as a key operational center for Bitget in Balkan, enabling the company to better serve its Balkan clients, comply with regional regulations, and foster industry partnerships.

Can I use Bitget’s copy trading feature in Montenegro?

Yes, Bitget’s copy trading feature is available in Montenegro, allowing users to automatically copy the trades of experienced traders, which can be particularly beneficial for beginners.

What payment methods are available for depositing and withdrawing funds on Bitget?

Bitget supports various payment methods including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and cryptocurrency deposits. For Withdrawal methods come and visit us at Ekosphere

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Bulevar Teuta, Ulcinj


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Bitget Ekosystem
Bitget milestones
Bitget wallet
bitget card perks

Proof of Reserves

Bitget guarantees that it will hold 100% of users' assets in reserves, as well as publish its Merkle Tree proof, platform reserves, and platform reserve ratio on a monthly basis.

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What is Proof of Reserves?

The term "Proof of Reserves" refers to an auditing procedure that verifies the holdings of an exchange through cryptographic proofs, public wallet ownership, and recurring audits. The custodian provides transparency and proof of the existence of liquid on-chain reserves that exceed or equal the sum of all user holdings. To achieve this, Bitget stores the hash of each user account's assets in a leaf node on the Merkle tree. Each user can verify that their assets exist in the Merkle tree by checking the total amount of user assets stored in the Merkle tree leaf nodes. If the total amount verified is greater than or equal to 100%, this means that the platform has proven that it can cover all user assets.

Our commitment to maximum transparency

At Bitget, we always put our users first and believe in being open and transparent. Here's how we ensure the safety and verifiability of your assets:

1. Each month, we take snapshots of all the assets held in our wallets and make them available publicly.
2. We take monthly snapshots of each user's assets and publish them after desensitization to ensure privacy.
3. Users can verify their assets anytime with just a few simple steps.

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Bitget Protection Fund

We regularly monitor the Bitget Protection Fund and the industry cybersecurity landscape to make sure that the fund remains adequate to protect Bitget users.

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Why do we need a protection fund?

The Bitget Protection Fund gives our platform an extra layer of resilience against cybersecurity threats.

In addition to our Proof of Reserves, the fund shows that we’re committed to protecting your assets, and that we operate with transparency and integrity.

Users who have their accounts compromised or assets stolen or lost due to events not attributable to their own actions or trading behavior may make a claim through the Bitget Protection Fund.